Explore the Benefits of Assisted PNF Stretching
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) is a mouthful! PNF is an advanced stretch technique that produces deeper stretches and leverages the nervous system to increase flexibility, mobility, strength, and pain-free movement.
Whether expanding the range of motion or improving pain, PNF is one of the most effective forms of stretching. Assisted PNF aids patients in achieving both immediate and lasting outcomes.
Fitness and athletic trainers, professionals, and physical therapists use PNF to change the tension in muscles -- and the therapy is proven to have several benefits, including:
- reduction of pain and tension
- improvement in range of motion
- increase in flexibility and muscular strength
- enhancement of athletic performance
- improvement in circulation
- supporting injury recovery
PNF therapy with a trained professional ensures the stretches are proper and correct, with optimal results based on individual requirements and restrictions.
Resistance Stretching – Optimized
Resistance stretching helps overworked muscles and those in areas often overlooked. Activities or sports with repetitive movements can wreak havoc on muscles we may not notice until a professional helps work on them! Results are often immediate -- tightness, pain, and stress releases, and flexibility, posture, strength, and fitness improve.
One-on-one assisted resistance stretching produces results in less time than solo stretching, and it is possible to achieve more! Assisted resistance stretches can establish optimal resistance and tension, proper stability, and more elaborate movement.

Active and Passive Stretching -- With Enhanced Results
Assisted active and passive stretches provide additional leverage for enhanced results. Stretching helps lengthen tissues and muscles by moving a joint through its entire range of motion.
Movements are considered active or passive depending on whether the patient actively contracts muscles to produce or help with the stretch or passively lets the therapist provide all the force for the movement.
Assisted active and passive stretching supports the healing phases of injuries and conditions joints to move throughout their entire range without pain or discomfort. Whether you are an athlete looking to recover fully from a tissue injury or a parent who wants to stay limber so you can play with your kids without getting stiff and sore, assisted stretching can help you achieve that and more!
Assisted stretching helps to take the guesswork out of whether you are performing stretches properly and getting the most out of your movements. You can have confidence that you are not using excessive force, incorrect form, or inaccurate timing when you have the support of a professional physical therapist with you!